Weather in Prague

Day: cloudy
-2 - +2 C

Night: cloudy
-3 - -7 C

1Euro = 1.17 USD = 29.05 Czech crowns

List of chosen services

Accomodation: Hotel Cerny Slon [single room] [70 Euro Per day]

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Бархатный сезон в Праге

С приходом золотой осени Прага становится еще красивее и уютнее. А цены на проживание в пражских отелях и пенсионах в «бархатный сезон» снижаются по сравнению с летом на 50 % !

On-line consultations

please ask your questions

ICQ 326-020-137

by phone: +420 775 369 367

or contact us using this form:


Here is the list of typical asked questions and answers to them. If you do not find the necessary answers use the special form (at the bottom of the page) to ask your questions or contact our manager

How can I reserve a hotel in Prague with your help?
You can reserve any hotel you like with the help of OrangeTravel. The number of hotels we work with is extending all the time. Enter the part “Hotels and pensions” on our site. You have a chance to find exactly what you need using the description of different hotels and pictures. The given prices are for a single room (you will find all categories in the extended description).

Then press send to “Basket” and after that in “The list of chosen services” press “Registration”. The Registration form will appear. You will be able to choose any category, the quantity of days that you would like to spend in Prague and you will learn the price. Having filled in the form press “Registration” and your reservation will be got by our operator who will confirm it during 24 hours. In case that there are no free rooms we will offer you some other variants.
Is that true that the prices you offer are lower than those on the site of a hotel?
It is true. We guarantee that the prices we offer are lower.
How can I get to Prague? Can you meet me at the airport?
You can get to Prague by plane, train, bus, car… We can find the most comfortable mean of getting to Prague from your place and offer the cheapest tickets. Our representative will meet you at the airport and help with the accommodation.
I have never been to Prague and I would like to have an English speaking guide
We will be glad to offer you individual excursions around the Czech capital-beginning with the review ancient “king’s road” and up to thematic journeys to all districts of Prague or historical epochs.

If you would like to visit any other city of the Czech Republic or castle we can organize a car excursion for you. Pay attention that the price of the excursion does not change if you are 2, 3 or 4 (if all people will get in one car). That means that the journey to Prague with a couple of friends will not only be funny but also beneficial.
How can I pay?
Deposit, as a rule, is not needed. You pay only after you get a service. In some cases (Christmas, New Year, and exclusive room at a hotel) some deposit will be needed that you can pay either using a credit card or a bank transfer. You will know whether the deposit is needed during your talk with our operator. You will get the confirmation of the reservation before your coming to Prague.
What is you company? How can I contact you?
The company DOYEN s.r.o. established in 1998 owns OrangeTravel. Our partners help us to organize tours and excursions. The official day of opening of the project OrangeTravel – July, 11, 2005. You can send your remarks to See you in Prague!

If you did not find the questions you are interested in use this form: